Nimr Sawafta

Nimr Sawafta

Senior Software Engineer

From the Hills of Palestine to the Digital Frontier: A Story of Resilience and Unwavering Ambition

Born in Nablus in 1996, your story is a testament to the human spirit's resilience in the face of adversity. Your early childhood was shaped by the realities of conflict and occupation, yet amidst the hardship, a spark of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge ignited within you.

In the rolling hills of the Jordan Valley, you found solace and escape in the world of books and stories. Your family, despite limited support, instilled in you the importance of education and the transformative potential of knowledge. From a young age, you understood that learning was not simply a privilege, but a weapon against the limitations imposed upon you.

We made the tools and the tools made us.

Building Bridges Between Ideas and Impact

Where Curiosity Whispers, Conversations Bloom